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Friday, March 2, 2018

this upcoming week!!

Hey everyone!!  The big day is coming upon us!  We will be going to choir festival THIS UPCOMING WEEK, on Thursday, March 8.  Please make sure your kiddo has their clothes all ready!  Here is the attire for the day:

CHOIR SHIRT wrinkle free & clean!
BLACK PANTS wrinkle free & clean!
BLACK SHOES clean, no rips, tennies are fine!

If you have volunteered a dessert, please send in by Thursday morning!  Really don't have many people so if you haven't signed up, please let me know if you can help!  I have these parents volunteering desserts:  Martin, Bodner, Owens, Stratton

If you have volunteered pop, please send in anytime.  I could use some more as well but so far I have these people:  Martin, Cullum & Troupe (already sent in - thanks!!)

CHAPERONES:  HENKE, LEDESMAS 2, DURON, WILLIAMS, STOY, MOSELY, OWENS, CRAWFORD, BROWN  Really could use a couple more chaperones if you are willing, daring, and able!!!??

If your kiddo has NOT turned in their $3 for the pizza party - please send in asap!!??  I will be ordering this on Monday, so please send in on Monday so I know how much to order!!  Chaperones, if you will be joining us to eat, please send in that money as well!  Thanks -

Have a great weekend and make sure those kiddos are getting some good sleep this weekend. They will need it!