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Monday, February 29, 2016

Dear Parents and/or guardians:

               Well, can you believe it?  We are more than half way through the school year!  It amazes me every year how fast time flies.  Well, here in choir, we are very busy preparing for District Choral Festival which is THIS Friday, March 4. I am excited!! After a week of issues with busing, we are now set to take both 7th and 8th grade choirs to Grandville HS and show them what we got!

8TH GRADE CHOIR will be leaving Crossroads by bus at 7:40 AM in order to be there by our warm up time which is 8:20 AM. We will finish up with everything by 9:20 AM.  At this point, 8th grade choir will head back to Crossroads Middle School and go directly to 4th hour which is my class!  However, I will NOT BE AT SCHOOL AS I WILL NEED TO STAY AT FESTIVAL WITH 7TH GRADE CHOIR who will be dropped off approx. around 9:30 am when 8th graders leave! 8th grade will report to choir room, watch a movie, and when class is done, they will go on with their normal class schedule until 12 NOON when we have our luncheon with 7th grade choir (we will return with 7th grade around that time and have our pizza party!) WHEW!!  With me so far?

7th GRADE CHOIR will meet in choir room at 8:50 AM.  I will have someone there to take attendance, make sure they are in the proper attire, and get them on the bus by approximately 9:05 and be at Grandville HS by 9:30 or so.  As they get off the bus, 8th GRADE will get ON the bus with the chaperons.  I again, will not be with them so I will need chaperons on the bus to head back to Crossroads.  7TH GRADE CHOIR starts their warm-up at 10:20 AM and will finish up by 11:20 AM. 

After we get our scores, 7th GRADE will head back to Crossroads for a homemade pizza luncheon in cafeteria by our very own cooks around 12:05 PM.   All students will just use their lunch card, pay $2.50, or if they would rather, they can bring in a home lunch as well.  I talked to the ladies in the café, and they will serve their homemade pizza with salad bar/veggies and fruit - it will be little more special then the regular lunch for the rest of the school.  If students want a 2nd piece of pizza, they will need to pay another $2.50 either as cash or card.  The pizza will be a good size piece to begin with but just in case they are still hungry. Chaperons – same price for your lunch $2.50 – you can pay as we go through the line!
PARENTS: please send in your dessert for that day in the morning! I will get someone to bring them down before noon!  It will be a long (and rewarding J) day I am sure!! They will be starving!

ATTIRE: Students need to wear their choir shirt (which should be wrinkle free), black pants, black socks, and black shoes.  I would prefer no tennis shoes but if that is all they have, they can wear them only if they are black with black laces!!  Please NO WHITE SHOES and no sandals with toes hanging out for the girls. We want to represent Northview the best way possible so please talk to your child about the way they present themselves in dress and behavior.
I have approx. 160 students going to festival so I will need all Chaperons that have signed up to come along for the ride!!  I realize some parents get bus sick so if you need to drive out there, that is cool but anyone willing to take bus with kids would be appreciated.  REMEMBER: I WILL NOT be on bus ride back with 8th grade and I WILL NOT be on bus ride OUT with 7th grade so I need a few parents to ride with each class so they are not alone on the bus. 

8TH GRADE CHAPERONS, if you want to come back for the luncheon at noon, that would be appreciated.  If not, I think I will have enough 7th GRADE CHAPERONS to help out! Questions or concerns?
Email or call me - Thanks so much for your support and help!  Tami M. Hjelm -

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