NOTE: CRAIG'S CRUISERS TODAY! Please please be at Crossroads to pick up your kiddo after CC - promptly at 3pm! So excited! We will have so much fun!!
Well, can you believe it? We made it and we made it GREAT! Through all the tears (mine mostly), laughter, beautiful music, and achievements, we are done! I want to thank you so much for sharing your singer with me, helping out others with money donations, chaperoning, sending in desserts, all the lovely gifts and cards to me (totally unnecessary but so appreciated) through the year, and all the heartfelt emails! I don't know if it is because I am getting older (yuck) or what, but I am overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness for the year we just finished!
I wish you all a wonderful, restful, relaxing summer vacation. Accept every moment - the good and the bad - as we learn from every experience something that will benefit us. Remember, the days and weeks are long but the years FLY BY! So take it all in!!
I wish my 8th graders so much success in the high school (please stay in choir!!). Always do your personal best, be kind & compassionate, and just take advantage of every opportunity to LOVE EVERYONE! Don't forget me when you graduate!! I want to be there to celebrate YOU!
I wish my 7th graders to stay as sweet as you are now! Keep singing and listen to GREAT SINGERS! That's the key to being a great singer! Head to Cheers from time to time and sing karaoke - prepare you for next year!!!
I wish my wonderful supportive parents happiness beyond measure!
And ... I love you all and will miss EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! God Bless, Mrs. Tami M. Hjelm