Well, we are 2 weeks down - woop woop!!! I am totally enjoying ALL MY CHOIR KIDS! They have done a great job in setting up our social contract in class! If you are not sure what that is, ask them about it! They came up with the classroom rules themselves, got them all written down on a large sheet of paper, everyone in the class has signed it, and it will be posted by Monday morning! Some students have absolutely NO PROBLEM following the contract but there are a few (mainly 8th grade unfortunately) that are having some troubles! We WILL MAKE MISTAKES - but I am hoping with time, things will get better in class as students grow, mature, start learning music, and really begin to care more about each other!
The Choir COURSE SYLLABUS went home last week Friday and it was due TODAY!! I meant to send out a reminder yesterday but forgot so.... I will give all students one more day - actually 3 days - to get it turned in for FULL CREDIT if it's in by MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19! print a new one on the right side of this page
I need choir shirt LOGO'S by Monday or I will design it myself! Every year we have students draw a logo which will be put on our choir shirt that we wear for the whole school year! I have talked with the kiddos about it and have only seen 2 LOGOS! Have your ARTSY kids work on one this weekend! this is what it HAS TO HAVE:
SOME DESIGN with either a wildcat, music notes, microphone, cool saying, paw print, etc.... do not use lined paper
You can send in shirt money anytime in a sealed envelope but be sure your child's name is on it, their choir number, and the hour they have my class!
Hope this is helpful to you - have a great weekend and KEEP SINGING! Tami Hjelm